Mittwoch, 11. März 2009

Drama, Hope, Wars, Change, Future ...

Issues: India, Mr. Obama and his hope, Pakistan, Palestine/Israel conflict and possible events of future. This is a bit lengthy post but one can read selectively depending what one likes to read.

More India: Mumbai attacks almost caused a war between India and Pakistan. Some of the things:

  • Proofs and Allegations: Almost on very first day of Mumbai attacks, India had started to blame Pakistan although no solid proofs were there to support this claim. It showed that Indian fellows wanted it to put on Pakistan in any case. Even till today, no tangible and convincing proofs have been handed over to Pakistan. India took many twists in the course of allegations; they started with claim of involvement of one Pakistani group and went even to the extent that Pakistani state was also involved. Quite unfortunately there are few people among Pakistani rulers who are extremely loyal to the external anti-Pakistan powers, and confirm externally forged stories. Those traitors create an excuse for externals to blame and attack Pakistan!

  • Backing of the International Powers: Many influential countries like USA, UK etc supported the Indian versions as if they wanted to support them unconditionally. Both Intelligence agencies and Politicians of those countries almost fully agreed to the Indian shallow stories! Almost all those officials first went to India, showed them their support and then visited Pakistan to ask us to follow Indian stories and demands! This gave a kind of feelings that some of the International powers are with India supporting them unconditionally against Pakistan!
    n fellows say that it handed over proofs to FBI, as if FBI is the most authentic authority in this world. In fact, FBI (i.e. USA) would be used to blackmail us! UK is giving statements as if he is 100% sure that it is done by Pakistani people; we, Pakisanis, know them very well as our forefathers lived under British rule! ;) By the way, has there been any neutral investigation into the matter? No, and don’t expect it either as it would show the reality!
  • Response of Pakistan: Pakistani response has been sometimes shaky other times courageous, occasionally stupid and sometimes diplomatic. From very first day, we denounced that barbaric act of killing of innocents in Mumbai and offered full support in collective investigations and punishment of criminals but India did not respond positively. Some of the Pakistani officials could not sustain the pressure mounted on Pakistan and they arrested few so called terrorists and banned few so called terrorist groups without any solid proofs of involvement, only because of the Indian and World pressure. That gave impression to the World as if Pakistani people were involved. Sometimes I really feel that there are officials in Pakistan who work for externals and they are the most dangerous enemies of Pakistan!
    India and Co. are only concerned in making propaganda and blackmailing, you would see that they will keep on blackmailing us. We don’t have any problem in investigating, arresting and punishing if really there is any Pakistani involved in Mumbai attacks!
  • It could be done by anyone: It is never difficult to create a situation like that: Let us suppose country ABC arrests some person(s) belonging to country XYZ; ABC makes bombings or any other act of killings within its own territory and starts blaming it on country XYZ! ABC does not allow access to the real facts, suspects and place of act but keeps on crying that it was done by XYZ. ABC claims that the so called suspect, who might be from country XYZ, has admitted that he was supported by people or country XYZ. Suspect is tortured and few of his pictures with wounds are taken to show as if he was arrested from the place of fighting, he is made to confess all what is required and so on! Is such a drama impossible? No it is not rather it has been staged quite successfully. Some individuals can go to any limit to achieve their goals!
  • What do they want to get out of it? One wonders what really India and Co. want to get out of this whole issue. Some of the things that come to mind are: 1) to keep us busy and under pressure so that International (legal and illegal) demands against so called terrorism could easily be fulfilled and we do not question their acts/demands. 2) to increase the pressure on Pakistan to take more actions against so called terrorists so that we have more internal strife and get weaken internally. 3) to further divide people of Pakistan into different groups like extremists, liberals, enlightened and moderates etc and to make us angry and disappointed 4) to give further setbacks to our already weak economy and political setup 5) to keep Pakistan busy on two borders/fronts: Indian and Afghan. 6) to put character and authenticity of Pakistan in doubt and to defame and isolate us internationally 7) to prevent us from reacting and talking about International injustices and oppressions!!8) Some International powers want that there be a war between Pakistan and India and in such a case, use of Atomic weapons, is very much possible and that will convert both countries to debris. In this way, they will get rid not only of India but also of Pakistan and mission is accomplished! Those cruel forces don’t care about anyone except their own interests, hates and greeds. Now it depends upon India how wise he is. 9) to pave the way for the success of such a party/people in India that has extreme philosophies especially against Pakistan 10) to divert the international attention from the Kashmir and other similar issues where grave human rights violations are being committed 11).…
Elections in USA, Mr. Obama and Hope factor: USA had elections and a new president Mr. Obama is elected! He has been quite vocal for a change, peace and hope for the world. Well, it is great if he is really sincere in this context. It will be nice if USA and its people are safe, happy and progressing; I really feel for those mainly innocent American fellows who start believing and following what their leaders tell them! Most of the Americans are very innocent and nice human beings. There are some factors that are important in this context.
  • Mr. Obama is president of USA and not of the World!: He might be great man, a thinker and a hero but he is president of the USA only. Well, this is understood fact but sometimes American presidents try to give feelings as if they are Presidents of the World. At least he is not President of Pakistan so should not try to dictate us although he has been doing so and he will try to do so, I know! Nothing against him and his nation but his mind should be clear about what the limits are. Americans are not habitual of hearing such words at least not from Pakistanis but I hope they show some real sense and respect now! We are still in respecting and peaceful state of mind! ;)

  • His role in Gaza: Although he has given his excuse that Mr. Bush was President at the time when Israel was killing innocent people in Palestine, but he has been speaking about a lot of other matters even when he was not President then what happened in speaking something over this issue? He was very happy at his oath ceremony as he was standing on the dead bodies of more than 1300 mostly innocent Palestinians! I saw him; he was so happy and contended that his start has been so successful and according to plans!! Now, he can take that campaign of bloodshed further, and he would take it ahead happily! Yes we can!

  • His name is like that of a Muslim: Many Muslims are happy and say look one part of his name is like a Muslim. By the way, it does not make any difference rather it can be a deception. I personally feel that he will prove worse than Mr. Bush. Mr. Obama started with killing of 1300 Palestinians, huge supply of weapons for Israel, pledge of complete support to Israel, continuation of war in Afghanistan, use of same old song of war on terror and Drone attacks inside Pakistan. I feel Muslims should get ready for some real fun in his period. Mr. Bush did slaughter Muslims in the name of freedom and democracy and Mr. Obama would do in the name of hope and openness. So buddies time ahead seems to be quite tough! Fasten you seat belts please and follow instructions of crew carefully! ;)

  • A different person and slogan was needed: People of the world had started to hate the war and bloodshed by Mr. Bush so group xyz wanted to bring a change, so that bloodshed and International monopoly could go ahead uninterruptedly. For that purpose Mr. Obama was prepared so that he white paints the bloodshed done by Mr. Bush and then gives a new red start! Parameters were controlled in such a way that Mr. Obama succeeded smoothly in elections. In reality, internal economic, social and political situation of USA is quite disturbing but they still are being pushed for further wars by hidden hands. There is high rate of crimes inside USA but they try to show to the world as if they are the best and savior of the world; a deception. Now Mr. Obama promises that a change and hope is coming and it is really coming, be ready for that, it is coming very quickly and that red hope is crying!

  • A weak character: I personally consider Mr. Bush a stronger person than Mr. Obama although Mr. Bush has been very merciless. Mr. Bush had a strong family background and his father was also a President so he was able to resist some of the orders of group xyz, sometimes may be. On the other hand Mr. Obama is not very strong in context of family background so he would be able to resist very little and that makes the situation more dangerous! He has been trying to portray himself as very strong and intelligent person but this is more show than reality. In USA, President is normally a show piece but vice President is a strong and intelligent guy, who is normally fully loyal to Israel!

    Mr. Obama would get better with passage of time, hopefully, although there are almost no sudden chances of any big positive change. Actually the group that works behind those Presidents is the same one, so it does not really make difference if front man is changed, that is the reason why chances of any positive change are very little. By the way, why did he take oath twice? One he took private where there were only few people, it was stated that there was so called mistake in first oath! Second oath should have been some special one where he had more fun! ;)
  • Some of the steps: With his arrival, he just said that Guantanamo Bay detention centre will be closed in one year! I feel that xyz group was not really happy anymore at the torture methods in Guantanamo Bay so they want to have a better place with better torturing facilities and methods! Very strangely no one is talking about why was it created at first and who is responsible for so many illegal detentions, wonderful torture and killings? But I feel that they considered everything legal, effective and total humane; it was done for national interest and peace of the world! Ohh that was a mistake of former President and we will commit better mistakes in future! Promise plus chocolate ;)
  • National and International strategies: It seems on national level, he will talk about better economy, opportunities and will give some facilities to his people, will keep them busy here and there, and on international level he will continue with hunts and bloodshed especially of Muslims. It is very strange methodology that some nations just want to have better facilities and peace at home no matter how many people are killed outside to attain that! It is pure shame and inhumane. I really doubt if he wants to do much good for the American fellows; Americans in general are wonderful and nice human beings.

    Currently, it is being said that USA and Co. want to have dialog with moderate Talibans; it actually means that divide Afghanis and also make them internally busy so that all attention could be focused on Pakistan – which always has been their goal! By the way, what is logic behind army training of people of USA and preparation of big local army in Afghanistan? Nothing is being done without a purpose; people would be made to fight with each other to safeguard the interests of blood-drinking group xyz!

    That group would use different cards like religions, cultures, extremism, terrorism, clash of civilizations etc to keep people fighting, busy and divided! I am afraid that that dirty group is gonna bring different nations in confrontation, so people need to be extra ordinarily careful. But all and other similar tricks of group xyz are ultimately bound to fail, let us see what the will of Creator is! Everyone waits for His next orders ;)

    By the way Americans kill other people on the basis of doubt of them being terrorists, can others also do same against Americans and others? Why not? ;)

  • Not against Muslims: Mr. Obama recently said that he is not against the Muslims; well that is a very nice and encouraging statement. It, however, could possibly mean that he wants to give a nice impression to the Muslims, to calm them down, but in background stage is being prepared to teach further lessons to the Muslims and other people!

    In context of Pakistan and Afghanistan, they want to take their policies further so it is also very much possible that from above offer they mean that let us first destroy Afghanistan and Pakistan, others stay relax in this period, and afterwards they will see all other one by one!!!
    Such psychological games are nothing new and we have been victim of such buttery and sweat statements so people must not relax or be complacent! It also does not mean that one should not reply nicely to such offers but blind trust is always destructive! Sugar coated poisonous candy is harmful for health ;)

    That 9/11 was mainly planned to divert the attention of the world from real issues and also to defame Islam and Muslims! but how long fellows? ;) If Mr. Obama is so sincere to the peace and justice then there should be an open, international and neutral inquiry into different matters like 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan wars and many other adventures where thousands of innocent people lost lives and criminals should be brought to justice!
  • A common destruction trick: It is common trick that first destroy a land, force the people there to be like beggars and then throw some bread/support in front of them through different sources like ABC, DEF, GHI etc, this is a wonderful way not only to destroy lands but also a way to make people poor and slave. These international so called neutral institutes make fake hue and cry at invasions to cheat people and then when mission of destruction is accomplished then they try to show efficiency by running towards the site of destruction crying peace, peace and dialogs; they give help in the name of so called reconstruction, peace, humanitarian help and so on. This same trick has been used in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan and at many other places. What a theater! First shoot a person and then take flowers to his grave! ;)

    Those countries that are attacked, their people then run for the refuge and asylum in other countries which itself is a painful, humiliating process and hard way of life! These people lead a very strange life; who would like that his/her country be ruined and he/she lives like a stranger in another country?

    Afghanistan is a grave for the invaders; it proved it, it is proving it and it will prove it!!! It is a strange place, whoever attacked it, he/she got ruined there. Don’t cry, stay there, fight bravely, attack inside Pakistan occasionally killing innocents and making us angry, die there and make your way to FINAL DESTINATION! Best wishes.

And Pakistan! By the way what should we expect from new face, team and hope? First of all we should dance that at last hope is born and then drink some buttermilk to celebrate it ;)

  • In focus: They have just started to make propaganda against Pakistan. It is being said that so called terrorists hidden in Pakistani areas especially on the border of Afghanistan are the real threat for the world. This is in fact an excuse to take war inside Pakistan. USA and Co. feel that Pakistan is the country which could show resistance against international massacres, killings and injustices! So because of this and other reasons they would try to paint Pakistan as terrorist state and would try to collect the sympathies of the world as they did for Afghanistan and Iraq invasions.
    People would hear the lectures like terrorism in Pakistan is getting stronger, USA and west are under threat of terrorists, or Al-Qaida is strengthening inside Pakistan, or we will work together with Pakistan (of course to destroy Pakistan), world needs to react to this threat, world needs to work together against terrorism, it is our shared responsibility to react to the threat etc etc. You would not need to pay for those lectures; it comes free of cost at your door steps.
    They would change their statements from threats of invasions to diplomacy/help, would use India and Afghanistan as card to pressurize, destabilize and engage us. Every day Pakistanis are being killed through explosions that are being operated by angels sitting on our borders. All these and other similar methods would be used to fool people, to terrify them and to drag them into Pakistan and Afghanistan and later to other places. Whenever they say that Al-Qaida is at such and such place, it means that Al-Qaida has been ordered by them to go there and get active, to create excuse for attacks and invasions. Let us see how much intellect world shows to avoid and resist these traps and cheatings!
  • Leaders and Nation: Very strangely Pakistani nation, in general, is quite aware that new President of USA is not going to do much good for us rather it could be worse, although there are some fellows in Pakistan who are still living in fool’s paradise. Some of our leaders however are not taking things realistically, they still think that Mr. Obama gonna be good for us and Muslims, which is a childish behaviour and expectation. No matter what kind of person Mr. Obama is, it is internal unity and strength of Pakistanis that will help us than any external help and factors. Quite unfortunately our leaders are not as strong, bold and brave as majority of people. It is important to be diplomatic but one must not get trapped and become slave in the name of diplomacy!

  • Attacks: Just after few days, when new President of USA took over charge, a Drone attack killed about two dozen people in Pakistan; and this process is increasing and getting further. By the way what they want to achieve through these attacks. Some of the things that come into my little mind are:

1) To pressurise Pakistan to take action against so called terrorists so that our strength gets lost. They even have been giving some money to Government to fight those so called terrorists, which in reality is detrimental for us. The loss which this fight is causing to Pakistan is many times more than the weight of (poisonous) support.
2) These attacks cause the psychological damage besides loss of precious human lives. Most of the Pakistanis know that these attacks are more against innocent people and are unjustified but they are made angry by such repetition of attacks.
3) Through these attacks innocents have been killed that increases the anti-American feelings among people and people react angrily, that anger is then used to justify further attacks, propaganda and war. They attack those people (Taliban) who are pro-Pakistani to make them angry. Quite interestingly, mainly those groups of Taliban have been targeted by the Drone attacks who want dialogue and peace but after they are attacked, they get angry and suspicious again.
4) Such attacks create hate of people against
Pakistan army as people rightly expect Army to safeguard lives of Pakistanis and if it does not happen then they start hating it! Such a situation might lead to the war among Pakistani people.
5) Through these occasional attacks war would remain alive at the borders of
Pakistan so that International community could be convinced to come for help in so called war on Terrorism. That would also help in quietly planning and executing different plans at other parts of the globe!
6) …

  • Friends of Pakistan: Fortunately we have got some nice and sincere friends e.g. Saudi Arabia, China and many others. We love Saudi Arabia because of many diverse reasons; it is like our big brother. Pakistan has got very good relations with Arab and Islamic world. People might not be aware but China has been very nice and friendly to Pakistan. China and Pakistan always had high level of understanding.

    USA is a special case, we are friends but we are aware that too much and blind friendship with them is not good for health, just middle way is better i.e. rare tea parties are fine! UK is an extremely special country and people one day would find how real face of UK is; USA is very simple as compared to UK! We know “Gora Saab” quite well ;) Most of Indians are nice except few naughty boys! Jews are also nice people but they have got some special people among them, who are very special!! They need to be careful of them.

    There are so many hidden friends of Pakistan which will be visible in special situation!!!
  • Tricks being used: Some tricks that are being used in Pakistan are 1) keep people away from the faith and religion and for that purpose media, greed for the money/power etc is being injected into our blood. People are divided into different groups, parties and sects. 2) corrupt and incapable leaders and people are being silently supported and imposed 3) political parties are made to fight over petty issues 4) disappointment, fear and frustration among people is being spread through rumors, media, suicide bombings, false allegations, false surveys, economic setbacks etc 5) economy is being ruined through strange conditions and loans i.e. loans are given in such a way that they prove more harmful than useful 6) country and people are being made addicted to loans and external supports 7) on one hand hunger for the luxurious life is being created among people through media and life style of selected high class people, and on other hand economy of state is being destroyed and it naturally results in chaos and frustration, an International trick! ;) 8) internal fights are being created e.g. between Army and Taliban, and both of them are being supported externally by one white hand, that is definitely one of the best and safest way for destruction! 9) An independent Judiciary is being opposed as it would be cure to the most of our internal illnesses.
  • A case at International level is being prepared: Currently propaganda, lies and attacks (in different forms) against Pakistan have increased. What I expect in near future are: 1) agents of group xyz would get active all around the world to plead for help in (their self engineered) war on terrorism being fought inside Pakistan and Afghanistan 2) they would try to present those two regions as the threat to the world peace although they themselves are the biggest (proven) threat to the world peace 3) international community would be made to convince to come together against so called war on terror using different ways like through dialogue, diplomacy; and slowly world leaders(and people) would be persuaded that they should strengthen those white hands which say that we are fighting against a very harsh enemy; and I fear that many people of the world would start believing them, sooner or later. 4) those nations which will deny support for blood-drinking adventures of group xyz, they would be pressurised through different means/pressures like economic, political, moral, army, trade threats etc so that they also start supporting blood-drinking adventure 5) it would be shown by the group xyz that we are respecting and working together with Pakistan against so called terrorists and we are also giving every possible support to Pakistan in this regard so everybody(i.e. International community) should join us, but in reality that support given to Pakistan is an illusion and poison! 6) at the same time attention of the world will be kept diverted from the real issues, and events possible bloody one, would be planned and executed. 7)…

  • Army having tough time: Pakistan Army is in one of its most difficult times ever. It is being pressed by internal and external forces. Internal pressure is coming from the people of Pakistan who think that Army is fighting for USA and Co. and is killing its own people. There was a time when people of Pakistan extremely respected its Army but its more than required involvement in so called war on terror is tarnishing its image. On the other side international forces are pressing Army to do more against so called terrorists and they time and again show dissatisfaction at the performance of Pakistan Army. So one can imagine how badly Pak Army is trapped!
    It is so hurting to see that we are being made to kill each other for the sake of some greedy, liar and merciless international powers! People of Pakistan are aware of this trap but so far we can’t do much except taking more and more injuries and showing patience, because we are still weak internally and international community is also divided and under influence of propaganda!
    Quite interestingly both Pak Army and so called terrorists are being supported by same hands! If Pakistan Army thinks that support which they are getting in the name of war on terror will increase their power then it is wrong! That support is a poison and indigestible! Army is probably unaware that how sacred human blood is; there is no money that can be equal to human blood!!! If Pakistani Army is really sincere in dealing everyone fairly then they should treat both USA and Taliban equally, as both of them are part of the problem! Why not?
    There was very little bloodshed, suicidal attacks and killings inside Pakistan but after 9/11 and at arrival of angels from USA and Co. in Afghanistan, the peace of this land has been shattered and situation would further deteriorate for some time, especially till the time those angels stay there inside Afghanistan. Anyhow, let them dig their grave deeper with every killing of innocent!

    Pakistan would not prefer a direct and traditional war; if someone will wage war against us, it will be very different one for the hidden and visible enemies. It will be mixture of all types of wars full of surprises; we will not beg for asylums rather we will fight against enemies all around the globe till our deaths, we know that real luxurious and eternal life is the one which is after death! A Muslim sells his/her live of this world for the sake of eternal life in Hereafter! ;) We will not attack innocents in any condition because only coward do attack innocent people. We will show astonishing accuracy in detection and termination of real enemies, INSHALLAH!

    Let us pray and hope that peace and sincerity prevails because peace is human wish but i am feeling that they will only understand after their jaws are broken! It is our style that we present our blood to enemy and after he/she drinks it to his fill, gets fainted and then we slaughter! ;) Let the people be assured that every drop of blood will be accounted for! Last but not least, we don't fight our enemies till graves, this fight we take beyond that!!! Game on ;)

  • The solution: At the end of the day, it is faith in Allah Almighty and obedience of His orders that can give us strength, protection and all kinds of successes. If we will not follow the Creator then not only He will punish us but also worldly forces will crush us, so it will be a total destruction and defeat. In such a case no one in this Universe will be able to help us!!! Sooner, people of Pakistan will realise this reality better it will be!

    After that it is self confidence, internal unity and strength of people of Pakistan that can solve our problems. No one from outside can help us if we ourselves are not gelled together and not prepared to plan and execute our strategies. External forces would keep on dictating and blackmailing us if we will not have self reliance and confidence. Pakistani nation has got a kind of inferiority complex from the West and that needs to be removed! We, Pakistanis, start believing whatever West tells us; we don’t take it as opinions rather take as ultimate truth. People there think that whole West is similar and there are no differences but in reality west is quite diverse; nations and people here differ in priorities and opinions. Frankly speaking most of the Pakistanis and Muslims think that whole West is ally of USA in hunts and it is time for West to reach out people there and tell them that truth is not as people do perceive!

    A free, fair and brave judicial system is the solution to most of our internal problems! This is what international community should support inside Pakistan as this is treatment against cancer of corruption, lawlessness and extremism. That cancer of corruption will eat us very soon and that is one of the biggest threats for Pakistan! Without free and fair judiciary every help given to Pakistan is like throwing that help into a black hole! Quite recently Iftikhar M. Chaudhry has been restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan which is a very encouraging but challenges for him and people are still many! So stay united, brave, alert but wise. More fun is coming! ;)

    It is the decision of the Creator that what will be future of Pakistan and no one can change His Will. We need to follow and trust Him sincerely and that is what we have got to do! Tomorrow belongs to us, INSHALLAH.

Palestine/Israel Conflict: Quite recently more than 1300 Palestinians mainly innocents were killed in front of the so called civilized world. Everybody knows that Israel killed the people in anyway and at anytime it liked! Starting from USA to the Muslim countries, everyone looked at it like spectators. Jews, Christians, Muslims and all other religious people were paralysed as if Israel is beyond God and he is allowed to commit all crimes it wants in the name of national security. Few significant aspects are:

  • Base of conflicts: I feel that this conflict is base for most of the International problems. People are not aware but to create Israel and to protect it, so many people mainly Muslims have been killed all around the World. Some of the Jew fellows, not all Jews, see Muslims and Islam as threat to their dreams so wherever and whenever they feel some danger or resistance against their motives is strengthening, they immediately try to terminate those opposing forces. Recent Iraq and Afghan wars were closely related to this objective and now attacks on Pakistan are also being done to safeguard Israel! It will go further but...!
  • It belongs to all: If Jew fellows say that Palestine historically belonged to them then Christians and Muslims could also claim same, as they also in history possessed the control of this sacred land so who would then have this territory? I think this matter can never be solved in this way or using force. Best way to solve this problem is by mutual dialogue of followers of three major religions. All three can live there peacefully, doing their worship with mutual understanding and respect but I feel Jew fellows would not agree to that and they would not and they are not obliged to agree to it. They think that they have might but power is a thing which does not stay at one place, so they need to think in a bit longer context! I am almost sure they will not leave their current rigidity and course! In reality, they(a specific group among them) have planned and worked so much to reach current point that it is almost impossible for them to return back, they have burnt their boats, I think! ;) Let us see what the will of God is! It is a surprise ;)
  • West is part of the game: Creation of the Israel was supported by the West! But that was not the end of story, West also supported Israel till today no matter what they did against Palestinians or others. I think this blind backing by West is a double crime as they not only helped in an illegal occupation by Jew fellows but also supported survival of Israel! What reward West does want to have from this worship? Is it not double standard of West? Now Israel has become so strong that it will give some real tough time to everyone! Have fun ;) Ice cream and hot coffee.

  • Holocaust: Can Holocaust be used as an excuse for the killings of innocent people? I think according to Jews it might be fine but I think this is totally illogical and unacceptable. Does it mean that what Jews have done to Palestinians, it could be used as an excuse to kill Jews anywhere or? Should all Americans be attacked since they killed so many people (mainly innocents) in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and at other places? Should it happen? This will open up a door for the slaughter of so many innocents!

    Some nations, especially the German fellows have been in quite difficult situation. Some of them committed murder of Jew fellows but till today they are made to pay for that. Crime of one person or group can’t be imposed upon innocents or those who were not part of that crime; every child is born free of any sin or crime! Similarly those who were not part of those killings and did not support it; how can they be given blame?

    I found German nation quite fair, nice and friendly, of course there are exceptions but over all they are very nice human beings, they have learned their lesson from the history and are very careful and calculated in their course of life. They are trapped in a very strange situation; on one hand they are taught to take the responsibility of those acts where they were not even part of and on other hand they even can’t raise their voice at whatever
    Israel does! Strange! USA and some other forces are also used to blackmail them!

    In such a situation a person hurts his/her own self because of frustration, distress and compulsions. I am not against Jew fellows, I feel for the injustice done to them, but such suppression of a nation (i.e. of German fellows) is also not pleasing and acceptable, it not only damages the natural and balance growth of a nation but also one day might burst out like a volcano! Creator has created nations free and they should stay and feel free!

    It has been admitted openly that Iraq war was a mistake (crime) although many other similar mistakes were committed. Anyhow, Israel was in favor of Iraq war and vice president of USA was also a Jew at that time so should Muslims demand money and other compensations from Jews?

    The very similar trick, of using crime of one group/person to blackmail whole nation/community, is being used against Pakistanis and Muslims too. Al-Qaida, Taliban, Terrorism etc. are being used to justify the suppression, invasions and killings of the people mainly innocents and civilians. It would not really work in this context as Muslims don’t believe in inherent guilt or responsibility for a crime where one was not involved in!

  • More bloodshed and wars: I feel that Israel plans either to kill all the Palestinians or will force them to leave Palestine. This seems not to be only plan of Israel they are dreaming for much bigger milestones so people especially Muslims need to be prepared for more (direct and indirect) attacks from Israel and Co. There are many very nice and peaceful people among Jew fellows but there are some people who are really merciless, rigid and non-compromising! Such a group lives in their own world, dreams and plans; they see world only through their own glasses and think that they are allowed to do all (right or wrong) to reach their goals! That group is currently dominating!

    I feel in near future Israel will show its real face and muscles to the world although for many decades they have been superpower in background, and current massacre in Gaza is starting point and a glimpse of a new direction! People of the world have been supporting Israel almost unconditionally and now Israel wants to teach a lesson to everyone! If Israel continued its current path of bloodshed, mercilessness and greed then future is extremely bleak for them; no matter how much power they gain or how many people they kill!

    Yes, they have right to think that they are the best nation and have right to rule world but this illusion would be soon over, may be within next 10-15 years. I am aware that they would call me a stupid, as their religious scholars read them from their books the promises of the Lord but let us see what exactly Will and Word of the Lord is! Still there is chance of dialogue and correction but I am afraid that some of my Jew fellows would not go for that, and this will be a pity. Some of Jew fellows want that Muslims and Christians fight with each other so that things get easier for them later! ;) but they will still lose no matter what happens because their current track only leads to failure and destruction!!! Pupo yaar ;)

  • Muslim World: Response of the Muslim world in this issue has been extremely weak and little. Right now problem with most of the Islamic lands is that corrupt and coward rulers are ruling them who are like allies, to the extent of slavery, of USA and Co. So whenever Israel does something against Palestinians, those rulers don’t react as USA orders them to shut up, don’t cry! On the other hand, common people in Muslim world make a lot of hue and cry but their rulers slap them to shut up.

    Well, currently there are not many such Muslims and also extremism is being used as a tool to defame and suppress Muslims and Islam. I feel that if unjust policies, propaganda and lies against Muslims continued in the current shape then Muslims in reality might become extremists!

    It is fact that Muslims are weak in many different contexts. There is no big possibility of any immediate positive change for them. Muslims currently are weak at faith in the Creator, at knowledge and practice of Islam, are without realistic planning for the future, divided and feeble in context of Worldly power. Unfortunately so far they have not even started to realise and prepare for the future challenges. Time ahead is very tough for them and they need to show extreme patience, unity, intellect and strength in coming days.

    Muslims must not expect any kind of good for themselves if their faith in Allah Almighty is weak and His obedience is not being done in a way that was told by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If Muslims don’t follow Allah Almighty in a way which is required by Him, then they are bound to lose at every front because if they claim to be Muslims and still don’t follow commands of Him, then it is a cheating!

    If Muslims of any country tried to fight on the basis of pure nationalism then they will not get support of Allah Almighty, as His support is for those who put faith in Him and sincerely fight for His sake. So those Muslims, who prefer nationalism or any other ideology over Islam would definitely be defeated, they must be assured for that! Only security for the Muslims is their Faith and Obedience of Allah Almighty, all other things are of secondary importance.
  • Christian World: If some one thinks that the Christians are inactive or are not ready to show their strength then he/she is wrong. Although Christian fellows have taken heavy blow from the wave of Atheism by young generations but in background they are still in very much control and ready to teach a lesson to the world at suitable time! They have focused more upon worldly/materialistic power than religious and spiritual aspect, which is definitely not the right methodology. So these fellows can’t be ignored while looking for peaceful coexistence of the nations and religions. I feel that some Christian fellows would be waiting that there be a war between Muslims and Jews and then they teach lesson to both of them! ;) but results would be very unexpected for most of the people!

    Christian fellows claim that their religion teaches peace but how many innocents have been killed, injured and made crippled because of wars by Mr. Bush and others who happened to be Christians! What kind of peace is that? I do know bad acts of Muslims too, but one should call a spade a spade!

    Christian world should come forward and should sincerely put efforts to make world a better place; their aggression and war strategies would not bring any good to them, how many wars do you want fellows?
    Everyone needs to come out of current circles of hating each other, attacking from backs and prejudices, otherwise everybody would be repenting at the end. Be assured that wars can only be won by those who are spiritually strong!

  • What next from Israel? I think current massacre by Israel in Gaza is a trailer for near future. This is a fact that Israel is strong economically, has international support and weapons but real problem is that Muslims themselves are not united. They are psychologically slave, unconfident, scared, dispersed and without proper planning. They just cry for few days after every attack by Israel and then get quiet. This time however, I am feeling that Muslims are deeply wounded so they will show some emotions and Israel backed by his slaves will try to terminate them, and there would be a lot of bloodshed but at the end Israel would be a loser!!! How long can Israel hide its barbaric acts and fight the whole world? Israel would need blood so people be ready for donations! ;)

    Israel has been able to control the world through having loyal leaders all across the globe but now people of world have started to understand the real facts, and young generations especially are very little biased; they prefer justice and fairness over biasing and stereotypes, so for Israel to have loyal leaders would get harder and harder. It would be nice if Israeli fellows could foresee the coming situation and could show flexibility, sincerity and cooperation.

    There are many nice and fair Jew fellows and I feel that world might mistakenly take all Jews similar! That would be a pity.

and Future: My personal analysis and feelings about the near future:

  • Young generations are real hope but they don’t have control: Fortunately, current young generations of the world in general are quite neutral, open and positive but they don’t have control over resources of the world. Most of them are weak at religious and political awareness and practice and that is the reason why they are unable to stop the evil actions of some world leaders although they want to stop such corrupt actions!

    Those young generations are the real hope for the world but as long as they don’t get the control of world resources, things would not change in positive direction. Those people who are currently controlling world order are very merciless and most of them are corrupt and biased. So young generations have got tough time in front of them, they have to educate themselves in context of religions and politics, and at the same time they have to save themselves from poisons of biasing, corruption and hate, which those current controlling old generations would try to inject into them!!! If young generations did not act now then those corrupt people will prepare and bring forth such people who will keep on ruling the world in current way, and nothing would really change!

  • Religious diversity: Every individual and nation is free for a choice of faith, religion and system of governance as every one is personally answerable in front of the Creator for the choices and deeds, so everyone should be respected! There is no use of hates, prejudices, conspiracies and hidden attacks; people should share whatever they believe or follow and should leave others what they want to adopt or prefer. People are free to take what they find best and like for themselves: be it Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism or any other faith and religion!

  • Start of Problem(s): People would be thinking, by the way, what is the base of all those conflicts and wars between followers of different religions! Actually the start of the most of the problems and conflicts could be found at two junctures of the history. First when Prophet Jesus was sent down by God and most of the dear Jew fellows denied him, and refused to follow him. Second point of the conflict happened when last Prophet Muhammad was sent down by the God, and interestingly he was denied by most of the Jew and Christian fellows. Those two groups denied the natural handover of authority to new Prophet(s) of God and that is what went wrong!

    Muslims on the other hand do believe and accept the Prophets of Jews and Christians rather those Prophets are our Prophets and our faith is unacceptable if we deny them; at the same time Islam allows Jew and Christian fellows to follow their religions if they think that their faiths and religions are ultimate truth. In reality, some of those fellows extremely hate and dislike Prophet Muhammad and Muslims, and this is our crime and this is basic reason why Muslims have been slaughtered, abused and tortured around the world, sometimes in the name of terrorism, other times in the name of freedom, and now probably in the name of hope! Everybody is answerable for his/her choices of religion in front of God and not in front of Muslims so why are Muslims being killed?

    By the way, whom have those deniers of Prophet Muhammad damaged? To their own selves and no one else! They had cut the supply line of divine inspiration, knowledge and understanding of life/death and what follows, by this denial!

    Some important points: 1) In human history many books were revealed from God but they have been manipulated so they are more harmful than useful as human thinking and writing can never reach the words of God! 2) If God says that from now onwards previous laws are no more valid rather new set of laws (i.e. Islam) has to be followed then why should one deny that order? 3) Revelation of new Book (i.e. Qur’an) means that now only that Book can fulfill all spiritual, physical and any other needs of humanity! 4) Similarly new Prophet (i.e. Muhammad (S.A.W)) means that now only he is role model for the humanity and his life is source of peace and bliss in this world and in next life! 5) Only laws of the Creator can bring peace and harmony in this world because humans can never comprehend all the parameters; if they correct one thing many other get disturbed. 6) Only the Creator has right to give laws!

    This denial of Prophet Muhammad and Qur'an by those fellows has been main source of creation of atheism, many other religions, confusions, conflicts and wars. The fact is that how can anyone change the Will of God? If He has ordered that now only way of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is acceptable to Him then how could that be changed? Even if all the Muslims are killed or all people go astray including me or leave their religion(s) or whole Universe denies this order, it doesn’t change the reality, order and Will of God; as He is not dependent upon anything but everything is dependent upon Him!

    Anyhow, no one needs to yell at me, it is my opinion if someone can’t digest it then he/she should look for a digestible entity as everyone is free and personally answerable at the End!

  • Future and people: I am quite convinced that the future of the world belongs to the will and sincerity of the human beings. If people want to stand against unfairness and injustice regardless of national, cultural and religious attachments, then no one can dare to hijack the peace and progress of the world. On the other hand if people, because of vested interests or religious enmity or biasing or stereotypes, would not stand for the justice and fairness then no one can help people and world. Young generations of the world are quite neutral, open and fair so they really need to be active socially, religiously and politically because if they would stay away from the active roles then next generation of world leaders would not be very effective, different and fair one!

    If World especially Europe stands stronger, neutral and united for the justice and peace then no one can accomplish the wrong agendas otherwise everyone would be affected by the injustice sooner or later. It is law of nature that those who remain silent on injustice and unfairness being done to others; themselves become victim of injustice, sooner or later!!!

    This is defining moment for the World and if people did not react properly, wisely and bravely at this stage then things will get very complicated because many volcano are about to explode! People need to stay alert and vigilant, and this is the way to deal all possibilities.
    Time ahead is hard one; bear it with patience, braveness and faith and don’t cry like children. After every darkness, there is light and light is not far now! Prepare yourselves for hard tasks, this fight is inevitable ;)

    Success and peace in this world and in Hereafter is only in knowing and following the orders of the Lord of everything!

    Take care and keep your spirits high ;) Best wishes.

These are absolute my personal views and feelings and everybody is welcome to agree, disagree or comment.

And only Allah knows best.