As I wrote few things about migrated Muslims of the West; now I would like to mention few points which I feel migrated Muslims especially in the West should take care about. Well these are just suggestions nothing more than that; everyone takes his/her own way and must disagree to me if required.
- First of all, Muslims of the West should show respect, love and care towards the fellow local people. Local people have great right upon us; they have right on us as creation of God, as Human beings and many of them follow the same God that we do. In addition to that they support us in different forms e.g. moral support, educational support, health facilities, financial support, accommodation, security and so on. So in response we are obliged for all possible cooperation, care and respect. Above all Islam instructs us to be cooperative to all human beings.
- We should keep in mind that the lands of the West are not Islamic states so laws and philosophies there are different than so called Muslim lands. People here were grown up with different culture, philosophy, society and priorities of life than what we do have at native lands so it is illogical to expect and demand all what we have at home lands! Respect for the local systems and people, is the base for the cooperation. Well, respect for the local systems and people doesn’t necessarily mean that one also follows their faith/philosophy or religion rather respect means that we should accept their right of choice of faith, religion or system for their lands. I personally feel that it is Islamic rule too that we respect and maximum follow the rules of the lands we migrate to; one should not take measures bypassing local laws. This point is a difficult one but I am quite optimistic that if locals and immigrants are sincere to cooperate then things are easy to settle and manage! One should never terrorise peaceful people.
- There are many ways and places where one can have chances of meeting, acting and understanding with locals. Yes, there are things and limits which one can’t cross, and everybody has some limits, but there are so many things which one can do together with local fellows. There is not much use of staying all the time back and away from the local people. If one is at new land then one should also try to integrate, share and learn , this is how life is, we learn from everyone and everything we come across. Personally I learnt a lot during my stay, I even feel that many things might never could have been grasped by me had I not migrated. So instead of making this stay burden and stagnant, one should use it positively. One, however, is free to take a way where he feels most comfortable according to personal nature and priorities.
- Local people are normally very nice, cooperative and show great respect and understanding. I found people of the West especially of Europe very sensitive, wise and respecting one. Yes, there are few exceptions which one finds everywhere as natural phenomenon. So if a person behaves so nice then there is no reason of replying badly or rudely. I even think that if someone behaves with anger or hate, we should reply with love since it is very much possible that that person has some misunderstandings especially when people see a lot of negative things about Muslims on media. A good person is the one who replies the bad acts of others with good acts.
- One should stay stronger at one’s faith and religion since a person without clear and decided faith in long run is not useful for anyone. If someone thinks that by leaving his/her faith and values, he/she can better help people then he/she has either misunderstood faith and religion or he/she is following some incompetent and wrong faith/religion or its form!! In any case people are free for any choice.
- Muslims should stay united and respecting towards each other. There are different sects and different schools of thought among Muslims; it is a reality so all Muslims no matter what their sect, land, nationality, colour, language, race be, should be respected by each other. I feel at some times that Muslims of some nationalities take themselves superior over others only because of their national attachment although in the sight of Allah, superior is the one who is better in HIS obedience and the one who is Obedient to HIM, stays humble! When Muslims fight with each other it creates strange situation for all. Others also start thinking that what kind of followers they are and what kind of religion they do follow! So this thing brings double negative effect; first it divides and weakens Muslims and secondly it causes suspicions about Islam which is very bad.
- One should regularly learn about religion and great efforts should be put through worship, reflections, learning etc. to purify and strengthen faith as faith does not stay at one constant level, it goes up or down, so its care can’t be ignored. One should make sure, however, that everyone tries to improve him/herself first instead of correcting or preaching others first. Everyone is first of all accountable for his/her own acts and then for anyone else. This is our normal problem that we point finger at others’ fault and consider ourselves right and pure; I feel it is a natural human problem ;)! Great care should be given that one does not force anyone for anything! If God has left human beings free for a choice then who are we to take due freedom of others away. Yes, I do agree that one should sincerely and wisely try to convince and care fellow Muslims and others. We must understand that choice of faith and religion can’t be forced; God does not allow it. One should however share his/her philosophy with others in best way.
- Muslims should be very sensitive towards faiths, philosophies, priorities and religions of local fellows who are different in these contexts. We must respect their right of free choice of any faith or religion they like or prefer. We should share our views with great care and respect. Even those fellows who are Atheists must be respected and cared; I personally found these fellows extremely sensitive and nice.
- We should not try to snatch or misuse the resources of the local people. These are their right bestowed to them. Every nation is owner of resources given to it by God and Muslims or any other should not try to grab resources of others through cheating or force.
- Those Muslim fellows who think that all Non-Muslims are against Islam and Muslims and they must be badly treated; I will with due respect totally disagree to them. There are few very important points in this context.
- It is against law of nature that all the people in any group be corrupt!
- It is consensus of almost all the scholars of Islam that one is not allowed to harm innocents belonging to any nation, religion or group.
- Common people are not fully aware of what people at higher ranks do plan and why? Common people in any society don’t have access to all information and factors of higher ranks(rulers) so they normally don’t know about plans of their leaders. In addition to that common people have to work hard for their survivals so they can’t afford to monitor and know everything what their leaders do. Also, people can’t stand against all wrong acts of some of their leaders all the time; of course a state has power and resources to press commoners. In addition to that it is totally illogical and unfair to harm a person of any religion only on the base of assumption that he/she is our enemy. One should try to know first what exactly a person is before making any assumptions, it is very much possible that that person is very nice, innocent and friendly one and does not posses any enmity against Muslims and Islam!! And Islam does not allow harm to others only on the basis of assumptions or differences of religions/philosophies. Here let me make it quite clear that I am not saying all this to prove myself so called liberal, pro West or to get support/reward from Westerners or anyone else. I try to follow the Creator and I am obliged to stand for what I find as right and stand against what I find as unjust; no matter who in front me might be; a Muslim or other. At the same time I also expect from my own self and others that they stand against any of my wrongdoings/mistakes if they are really sincere to me ;)!!
- It has been my personal experience that Westerners especially of the area where I have been living are very nice and fair people. I sometimes even find them better in context of behaviour, treatment with others, sincerity and responsibility better than big majority of the Muslims. Majority of them are not enemies and don’t want to fight against us. Islam does not allow fight with anyone who wishes and offers peace!
So those Muslim fellows who still want to harm innocent people in any part of the World are sincerity and humbly requested to reconsider their opinions and approach keeping in mind above factors. Just imagine that one Muslim harms an innocent person and on the day of Judgement he/she can’t defend his/her act and is doomed to Hell!! Then?? Similarly those who commit suicide in the name of religion, need to keep in mind that they have to justify their act in front of God at the end and if they could not justify then they would bear double loss; first loss in this world and the second one in the life after death if punished by God! So what profit one gets out of it? So dear fellows! be extremely careful and wise as Islam does not allow injustice! One should be clear whether he/she is following his/her own egoism or will of Allah!!! A believer serves the people and does not rule or harm them or!
Injustice against anyone including Muslims should be stopped otherwise this process of action and reaction might never stop! If a person is put in awkward situation then he/she might react awkwardly. Every person belonging to any group who commits crime must be equally punished after due, open and fair trial. It is however not fair to make investigations, decisions and verdicts behind the wall; it creates strange situation. Investigations should be as clear, open and neutral as possible.
Everyone feel free to agree, disagree or comment. Respect and love.
I take break from thinking and writing and i need it badly:-)
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