In privous post i mentioned my analysis and observations about the European converted Muslims. Now i would like to write about some of my suggestions that how these brothers and sisters could better meet the challenges of life.
Few humble Suggestions:
1) There should be a group of dedicated (preferably Muslim) people who takes care for the converted Muslims in context of learning, practice of Islam and also in other matters of everyday life. This would make sure that their journey of life remains smooth, positive and on right track.
2) Converted Muslims should learn openly but should stay controlled! They should learn gradually about all the aspects of Islam and Muslims including sects etc. However, it should be made sure in this process that one does not lose him/herself and also does not get permanent confused neither one should make absolute fixed ideas at start rather stay open to learn but be careful, vigilent and selfdecisive. A general study should be made first and then some conclusions.
3) One should not leave for others to come forward and teach rather one should be self active and go for the active learning even if others are passive. It is matter of extreme importance so one can't sit and wait for others always.
4) There should be regular learning and also improvement in practice with every passing day since we get a bit lost if we stay away from Islamic (or anyother) teachings for longer period of time. Our current setup of life is quite busy and we might forget important things if we don't turn to them regularly.
5) Islam should be learnt and judged with eyes and thinking of a Muslim and Human being and not with glasses of a particular nation, group or sect otherwise we get limited in our perceptions, knowledge and decisions. There were and there will always be differences among people so if we want to follow people then we will remain confused. One should listen to all but decide ownself at the end of the day.
6) We should not be worried or disappointed of sects, divisions or bad practices of Muslims. One should stay focused, positive and spirited and in case of confusions one should turn to basics i.e. Quraan and Sunnah. We should not be worried about minor differences of interpretations, it is part of test and life, after some time we start understanding the reasons and facts.
7) One should neither be too suspicuious of others nor should be over relying, we should stay open but vigilent and cool.
8) One should move forward gradually and positively and there should be times when one could reflect with free mind from all pressures and worries.
9) If we can't understand or decide something then we must neither get disappointed nor should be frustrated rather stay calm and keep one learning and praying from Allah almighty for the guidance and help. Those questions which seem answerless to us, get solved after some period of time if our efforts are sincere.
10) Our faith should increase with passage of time, through our observations and reflections. It should be followed by positive actions.
11) Ibadah(worhsip) and spiritual aspect must be made quite stronger since it is battery for our positive actions. It was practice of Prohpets and other Pious people that they have been praying in the nights and during days were able to stay stronger for the obedience of orders of Allah almighty. This is very very important aspect( i.e. worhsip), it not only helps in cleansing of ill effects coming to our brain, spirit and body but also gives us energy and focus. Focus during prayer must be made as pure and good as possible.
12) Arabic langauge should be learnt as quickly as possible since translations are not equal to original content. However, in this context one must not get lost to only cultural aspects of Arabic world or other countries! Goal is not Arabic world rather Islam. There are many non Arab scholars too who have been fantastic in their reasearch and contributions so they should also be read.
13) It is very important that we stay in contact to the Muslim community, it helps greatly in learning, staying focused and getting motivation. After sometime, we start feeling familiar and good but if we stay shy and away from community then things stay similar.
14) One should be very patient and caring towards those fellows who don't share the same philosophy of life. One should neither force them nor tease them. Here it should be made sure that others are not resulting in deviation from the goal of life!!! since we normally trust our friends very easily.
15) Logic and philosophy is only one way to analyse and judge things and not the ultimate way. So one should not remain limited to specific tools in thinking and analysing.
16) Islam is combination of faith and intellect so one should use fairly and rightly capabilities of both mind and heart. There should be maximum and fair coordination between heart and mind!:-)
17) Very importantly one must try to be as humble in front of Allah as possible. This does not mean self denial rather it means realism and understanding. Please, never try to curse Allah or feel dissatisfied from HIM, never ever!!! Sometimes we can't understand the true reasons, since our knowledge is limited so one should not get angry on that occassions.
Few humble Suggestions:
1) There should be a group of dedicated (preferably Muslim) people who takes care for the converted Muslims in context of learning, practice of Islam and also in other matters of everyday life. This would make sure that their journey of life remains smooth, positive and on right track.
2) Converted Muslims should learn openly but should stay controlled! They should learn gradually about all the aspects of Islam and Muslims including sects etc. However, it should be made sure in this process that one does not lose him/herself and also does not get permanent confused neither one should make absolute fixed ideas at start rather stay open to learn but be careful, vigilent and selfdecisive. A general study should be made first and then some conclusions.
3) One should not leave for others to come forward and teach rather one should be self active and go for the active learning even if others are passive. It is matter of extreme importance so one can't sit and wait for others always.
4) There should be regular learning and also improvement in practice with every passing day since we get a bit lost if we stay away from Islamic (or anyother) teachings for longer period of time. Our current setup of life is quite busy and we might forget important things if we don't turn to them regularly.
5) Islam should be learnt and judged with eyes and thinking of a Muslim and Human being and not with glasses of a particular nation, group or sect otherwise we get limited in our perceptions, knowledge and decisions. There were and there will always be differences among people so if we want to follow people then we will remain confused. One should listen to all but decide ownself at the end of the day.
6) We should not be worried or disappointed of sects, divisions or bad practices of Muslims. One should stay focused, positive and spirited and in case of confusions one should turn to basics i.e. Quraan and Sunnah. We should not be worried about minor differences of interpretations, it is part of test and life, after some time we start understanding the reasons and facts.
7) One should neither be too suspicuious of others nor should be over relying, we should stay open but vigilent and cool.
8) One should move forward gradually and positively and there should be times when one could reflect with free mind from all pressures and worries.
9) If we can't understand or decide something then we must neither get disappointed nor should be frustrated rather stay calm and keep one learning and praying from Allah almighty for the guidance and help. Those questions which seem answerless to us, get solved after some period of time if our efforts are sincere.
10) Our faith should increase with passage of time, through our observations and reflections. It should be followed by positive actions.
11) Ibadah(worhsip) and spiritual aspect must be made quite stronger since it is battery for our positive actions. It was practice of Prohpets and other Pious people that they have been praying in the nights and during days were able to stay stronger for the obedience of orders of Allah almighty. This is very very important aspect( i.e. worhsip), it not only helps in cleansing of ill effects coming to our brain, spirit and body but also gives us energy and focus. Focus during prayer must be made as pure and good as possible.
12) Arabic langauge should be learnt as quickly as possible since translations are not equal to original content. However, in this context one must not get lost to only cultural aspects of Arabic world or other countries! Goal is not Arabic world rather Islam. There are many non Arab scholars too who have been fantastic in their reasearch and contributions so they should also be read.
13) It is very important that we stay in contact to the Muslim community, it helps greatly in learning, staying focused and getting motivation. After sometime, we start feeling familiar and good but if we stay shy and away from community then things stay similar.
14) One should be very patient and caring towards those fellows who don't share the same philosophy of life. One should neither force them nor tease them. Here it should be made sure that others are not resulting in deviation from the goal of life!!! since we normally trust our friends very easily.
15) Logic and philosophy is only one way to analyse and judge things and not the ultimate way. So one should not remain limited to specific tools in thinking and analysing.
16) Islam is combination of faith and intellect so one should use fairly and rightly capabilities of both mind and heart. There should be maximum and fair coordination between heart and mind!:-)
17) Very importantly one must try to be as humble in front of Allah as possible. This does not mean self denial rather it means realism and understanding. Please, never try to curse Allah or feel dissatisfied from HIM, never ever!!! Sometimes we can't understand the true reasons, since our knowledge is limited so one should not get angry on that occassions.
18) We should not mix actions of Muslims and Islam itself. There can be actions of Muslim followers which are contrary to Islamic teachings so this is fault of people that they don't follow Islam correctly. Islam is religion of peace but generally people are unaware of it so we should be very patient, caring and aware of their sources of information and perceptions of Islam, during our dealings and conversations.
19) Keep in mind that Allah knows best.
20) and Allah knows best.
I hope that i was able to convey something useful to you. These are just my observations and views and one naturally can agree or disagree.
May Allah help and Guide us. Aamin.
In next post i would write about those Muslims who migrated to West/Europe.
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