Almost everyone of us comes across issues related to this topic regularly so i decided to have a bit broader and deep look at it. Please do keep in mind that these are just my views and are open to agreements and disagreements from everyone. Any additions and corrections are most welcome.
No doubt about that currently Muslim World is marginally fragile, exhausted and in disarray due to many internal and external factors. Most of the Muslim lands are bearing dictators; these dear rulers have strange goals and philosophies. There is a lot of corruption in Muslim societies including religious one. Economic, educational and technical advancements are very slow. Majority of Muslims are neither practicing Islam with understanding and dedication nor are they ready to follow secular ways:). Muslim societies are mainly divided into two main groups: 1. those who show very little flexibility on religious affairs/injunctions; this group somehow ignores the dynamic part of Islam 2. those who don't care much about religion and they try to become so much modern and dynamic that they lose their identity, goal and get confused; these people normally don't have feet to stand on:)! There are quite a few sects also and they just like to criticise each other normally in an emotional way.
No doubt about that currently Muslim World is marginally fragile, exhausted and in disarray due to many internal and external factors. Most of the Muslim lands are bearing dictators; these dear rulers have strange goals and philosophies. There is a lot of corruption in Muslim societies including religious one. Economic, educational and technical advancements are very slow. Majority of Muslims are neither practicing Islam with understanding and dedication nor are they ready to follow secular ways:). Muslim societies are mainly divided into two main groups: 1. those who show very little flexibility on religious affairs/injunctions; this group somehow ignores the dynamic part of Islam 2. those who don't care much about religion and they try to become so much modern and dynamic that they lose their identity, goal and get confused; these people normally don't have feet to stand on:)! There are quite a few sects also and they just like to criticise each other normally in an emotional way.
Well, personally i could find few reasons for this situation. First, i think the main reason for the current down situation of Muslims is their lack of understanding, dedicated practice of Islam and self confidence: i feel this is true for any people and religion, whenever people lost connection with Creator they were caught up in problems. Second, Muslims did not work much during last couple of centuries: they enjoyed a lot since they were blessed with natural resources, power and wealth etc and they did not appropriately move with the pace of time and changes. Thirdly, there are always ups and downs for all nations and powers and last couple(or more) of centuries have been down period of Muslims:) . But all this does not mean that the whole Islamic world is similar and they don't have ability anymore to live normally or to contribute positively to the World. Things are changing and as i wrote earlier changes need continues struggle, time and patience!:) So stay tuned please:)
As far as so called terrorism and extremism is concerned; i feel these terms and other similar terms have been both misunderstood and misused. Almost all of the Muslim scholars do agree upon the concept that Muslims should fight for self defense only and also there is no room for the casualties and harm of civilians and innocent people anywhere and anytime. Sadly, these rules have been ignored by quite a few Muslims. I feel that response of the Muslims have not been very strong against wrongdoings of their fellow Muslims who might be involved in such acts. Real test comes when one has to accept and punish wrongdoings of his/her own people! How a Muslim could be hero for Muslims when he/she clearly violates the commands of Allah by harming civilians and innocent people???
As i wrote earlier, i am not a scholar but i have right to convey my opinion. I think term of Jihad is also sometimes misused. It means to strive and this striving is not restricted only to physical fight rather it has many different areas and ranks. Few of these higher ranks are e.g. to strive for personal correction, to strive for getting rid of personal evil habits and thoughts, to strive for sacrificing personal benefits over help of others etc. One of the best forms of Jihad is to raise voice against wrong doings of a cruel ruler and i feel currently Muslims do need to concentrate on this form of Jihad to have just rulers in their lands. Also Muslims do need to control their habit of having short temper and anger while anger is strictly forbidden in Islam.
Physical fight is the last option after all legal(positive) options for peace, self defense and cooperation has been exhausted but unfortunately many of my Muslim fellows like to go for this last option immediately almost giving it first priority which i feel is not the right and intelligent way. I can understand their natural emotional feelings after losing close ones and property but a Muslim should show maximum patience and restraint while he/she obeys God; and there is simply no room to damage civilians belonging to any religion.
It is natural that if back of a person is continuously being burnt then it will be very hard for him/her to behave logically and with patience all the time, he/she may lose rational thinking sooner or later! So such a practice should be stopped if we are serious about having peace in world. Wars, invasions and double standards can't bring peace in world; if lasting peace and cooperation is required then we will have to win hearts and minds of the people by being good, fair and open to them. No human being likes to be cornered or to be mistreated!
It is stupidness and hypocrisy to first destroy a country and then to do its development; this way not only many innocents sustain casualties but also the expenses are doubled(both for weapons and development). Casualty of a single person in war creates many angry minds since his/her family, relatives, friends and other nearby people naturally don't feel happy over it!
It is also a strange way to arrest people due to suspicion and to put a suspect in detention without giving a chance of fair trial! Behind the wall unfair activities/measures in the name of national/international interests can create mistrust, suspicions and problems in long run. Hidden measures could easily be misused. All criminals (belonging to any group) must be punished but after fair and neutral trial !
I see it as hypocrisy and shame if we support wrongdoings of someone due to religious, national, economic and any other attachments/reasons. I firmly believe that Justice and fairness are the real ways which lead towards a lasting peace.
At the end i would like to mention two important points: 1. A united and happy nation(belonging to any religion and ethnicity) is in benefit of ALL and opposite situation is not good for ALL. In this age communication and movement is so fast that ill effects of any problem in any part of the world spread out very quickly. So i feel right now world problems need to be solved very carefully, fairly and quickly. 2. Islam and majority of Muslims are not threat to the West(Or World) rather i feel real problems are lack of mutual understanding, trust and communication. In addition to that problem are those few individuals in all groups of people who have vested interests, greed and have a lust of harming others.
I feel it is very important to stop the never ending process of violent actions, reactions and blames by joint, open, peaceful and brave efforts. How long innocent people will have to pay for the lusts, greed and egos of few Big Fishes?! Everyone of us needs to join hands together so that we have maximum peace and unity in the world. Every human is precious and this world is home of all human beings! It is, it is.
Over to you.
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