Freitag, 1. Dezember 2006

How is that? Life with and without a Religion!

Hello everybody,

I hope that all the people are happy and healthy:-).

For many many days i was planning to write something different, interesting and challenging:-). I hope that this piece of text will not be a boring one for you and will not make things complex and hard:-). This is just my opinion and is absolutely open to discussion, xobjections and comments. I don't have any plans to spread anything bad against any body, everybody is free to adopt the way of life he/she likes of course.

Some of our religious people sometimes get too emotional and want that everybody should follow what they follow, and you know it is not possible to follow others fully. Every body has its own experiences, history, knowldge and preferences of life so how people could be photocopies of each other, impossible. But i think we should! respect and listen to all the people who are making efforts from their sides.

I don't know that what are the experiences of Western people about religion and religious authorities but my experiences with Islamic religious authorities not have been very pleasing with few exceptions:-). It was my own decision and research which helped me to reach somewhere.

I think questions abou life are somehow familiar to everybody. One such question is: Are we ourselves supreme controller?

I feel that man is limited in his thinking, in his control. He has never been able to avoid death, or cross the limits of this Universe: even going outside world,s boundary is hard for him. He can't think more that what he knows, he can't concentrate upon many things at a time. He is not able to give justice and equality to all in all aspects. There are people with different financial status and different shapes. why? i think that they should be equal:-). No body can claim that ! he/she was born at a particular place with own wish or had face or body structure with choice :-). I would have liked to be born at the time of any Prophet but i was made to born in 20th century why?:-).

Let us have some discussion with Mrs. Sceince. She is very nice, very helping and facts finding although she also creates some deadly things. She has her own limitations: Examples: No answer to the purpose of human creation, no clear idea about the vastness of Universe, no clear idea about the exact types and number of creations in Universe, even no idea about the exact number of humans on earth then how can she take care of all human beings? :-), why have we certain level of gravity why not more or less, why certain gases with specific proportions, who calculated and implemented such difficult parameters of life, What after having lunch with Mrs. death:-) and so on, list is not short. So she is confused also:-). then who???

I think that every body needs a faith, it could be in money, in social status, in justice, in man itself or in other things: one can't have motion in life without a belief! but which belief and why? Question is hard! But this is the crunch of the game:-).

I have observed that we are given two kinds of Information from God (whatever definition you would like for God): 1st Category: facts which are made clear e.g. how to live, how to deal with variety of matters(e.g. how to deal with parents, relatives, neighbours, brother, sister, teacher, fellows, wife etc and how to manage daily life: earnings, knowldge gaining etc ) 2nd Category: facts which are not disclosed fully, why we were made to born on earth or at a certain place or family, why we have two ears, why oxygen as breathing source why not any other gas etc. I think important Category is the 1st one: why are we created?, how to deal with life matters? and so on. First category has long term effects. While Second category is not that important for us (atleast for me) to explore, Most of us are happy with two ears(hopefully:-)), our place and time of birth, with the family we were born to and so on although at some occassions we get a bit angry with our setup :-) but it is temporary state. I always try to spent my energies on the 1st category: this i consider as the most important finding.

My little mind says:-) that man has two needs: 1: physical(eating, drinking, sleeping, money, house etc) and spiritual (about the things which are out of his control e.g life, death, complete justice to all, need for an extremly powerful helper,an ever lover, a problemless eternal life etc).Personally I have found religion as a wonderful balance provider for both kind of needs: it is life fulfilling, ever encouraging and dynamic one with all guarantees but ofcourse it demands possible dedication from me:-). IT DOES NOT IGNORE REALITIES ON THE GROUND ALSO(eating, drinking, sleeping, money, house,marriage etc). Then where is the problem? I feel that main prob starts with misuse and misunderstanding of the religion. we have not gotton enough time, resources to go into all details of issues, religion is a complex matter, but it is not impossible one, for sure.

Purpose of this writting is to give some initiatives for thinking about such an important matter:-). I don't have any personal gains out of it, for me if all the people don't believe in God i still have to follow Him or if all start believing Him, i have to keep on following the same way:-).Because God never allows me to kill any innocent person or to do injustice to anybody. God doesn't allow me to force anybody to change his/her faith. God has left free choice to all. God allows me all the necesities of this life: eating ,drinking ,education, money (earned with positive self effort), social interaction , social welfare, justice, marriage, sports, car, house and so on and above all provides chance for preparation of the exam in next life (sory if you don't believe in it).

Best findings are self findings which are long lasting and permanent. Everybody is different with different thinking, background so on, so same preception from all is impossible. It looks quite injustice to me that if we were left without telling how to deal with matters of Life. Example: when car is built then it is told how to use and drive it, if a person, who doesn't know how to drive, is allowed to drive a car then results could be very dangerous, similarly i think to drive the life(car) there should be rules and regulations!! which rules and who can give rules? car itself, driver or...!!.

It seems also injustice if there are no clues to find the reality. There are clues and tools (religions, science, philosophy and most important tool: our heart and brain) . There are also many hurdles (religions, science, philosophy, suspicions, fears, vareity of thoughts, fast life, deadlines, social setup...). Strangely some clues/tools are also hurdles:-). THESE CLUES/TOOLS AND HURDLES TOGTHER MAKE THE WHOLE GAME AND FIGHT OF LIFE :-). This is hard but possible puzzle to solve within time. Everybody has been bestowed with ability of fact findings: by using our barin, heart and by brave and analytical analyses, and by making comparison between different tools and hurdles: things will be clearer and open. If there is a Will, there is a Way:-).

Over to you:-).

With extreme apology to those who don't believe in God(or believe in something else) or did not like anything in my mail, these are my personal views and open to all kind of criticism,disagreement and xobjections. Pls. feel free and open to comment.

Best wishes, Take Care,


P.S. It was one of my writings which i wrote one year ago, it is still quite interesting i think but structure of the text is not very nice, i suppose :).

2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

simply "Excellent" . .

Kazmic hat gesagt…

Assalaamu Alaikum Zaheer!

Thank you for posting the link to your blog, it was very interesting to read your thoughts, examples and beliefs. What you wrote sounds to have been spontaneous and that's what's best about it... your thoughts laid out in an open and honest way without decoration!

I’ll not comment on every single point you made (Because then I would have to start my own blog!), but one or two of the points, which stood out the most for me.

I strongly agree that all people need something to have faith in, as you said whatever that may be .. God, Money, Status…. It’s in our nature. We know when we are born what to have faith in and although this is always with us (Deep inside) we may lose our way and put faith in any number of other things. Faith in Government, Friends, and family, Hollywood, Fashion designers: everybody needs a role model or a leader. Someone/thing to believe in or follow.

I have never believed in anything but God, so I’m not able to understand the logic behind beliefs such as atheism. I may not have believed in Him from an Islamic viewpoint all my life, however I was never able to deny that He exists. It just takes looking at the sky, looking at the Sun, Moon and Stars to know they exist because of something or someone great – not a scientific explosion or because it “just is”. Looking at nature, looking at the human body and the way it works… how could those things have come from anything other than the one and only Allah Subhana wa ta’ala? We have a good example of this from our Beloved Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), when he searched for the source of creation and upon his questioning he found the truth.

We all know that the famous words of all children are “What”, “Why?” “How” in whichever language. Children being innocent and free from sin do one of the things we were created to do and it’s only the intervention of the parents, family, teachers and friends that stops them doing this eventually. We as humans SHOULD ask “Why?” not only when we are children, but for all of our lives, because we are students until the day we die. Think, Reflect and Question! Why are we here? How are we created? Why do bees make honey? What happens when we die? All of the “why” questions will eventually lead you back to Allah, because with Him are the answers to all questions and He gave us His Holy books as a guidance and to answer such questions.

When we read Allah’s Holy books, then we will find the purpose of life and find the best guidance for all Mankind.

Even if a person doesn’t believe in Religion or God, there is no denying that we all in some way or other follow the teachings of God… many of our morals and societies are built on the basis of God’s teaching i.e. the Ten Commandments. So even those who deny Him must acknowledge some of His principles whether they like it or not.

As you also stated, these are my views and if a person doesn’t believe in God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah etc or doesn’t agree with my outlook, then this is their choice. I feel comfortable with my beliefs and this wouldn’t change if another had views different to mine. And Allah knows best :-)